Germany 2020: Ecommerce Country Report, published by RetailX in partnership with Asendia

04 December, 2020

E-Commerce Destinations

In partnership with Asendia, RetailX has published the Germany 2020: Ecommerce Country Report, an in-depth analysis of this thriving market. By way of our partnership with RetailX, Asendia is pleased to offer etailers a copy of this report, valued at €229, as a free download. For non-retailers, the report can also be purchased directly from RetailX.


The German ecommerce market is rich with opportunities – but also in a state of flux. COVID-19 has rapidly and drastically altered the spending habits of consumers. Previously dominated by the likes of Amazon and smaller retailers sporting a .de domain address, German shoppers are increasingly looking across borders for the best deals and products.

But how can retailers capture a share of this burgeoning market? Which purchasing and payment technologies are the most popular with German consumers? What are the long-term outlooks for German ecommerce post-Coronavirus?

The Germany 2020: Ecommerce Country Report explores all of these issues in detail, along with case studies, interviews and a detailed analysis of the German ecommerce market.


Etailers - See a complete list of the contents of the Germany 2020: Ecommerce Country Report and download your free copy today!

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