Watch the webinar with Simon Batt for an overview of worldwide e-commerce

04 May, 2021

E-Commerce E-Commerce Destinations

Asendia's expert Simon Batt joins the RetailX panel for an overview of worldwide e-commerce.

In March 2021 RetailX hosted the ECOMMERCE WORLD REVIEW. Asendia is a proud partner of RetailX and is delighted to have joined 4 webinars as experts. You can now listen to the full recording of each webinar for free. And, you can download any of the in-depth e-commerce destination reports. They each offer a unique insight into all the rapidly growing e-commerce markets. These are available alongside each webinar recording.

Webinar: Global 2020 Report in Discussion

Researchers, editors and industry experts discussed the current state of world e-commerce. Dive into this interesting discussion on how e-tailers can stay ahead globally in 2021 and beyond.

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About Simon Batt
CEO Asendia UK

Simon has over 20 years’ experience in the mail / parcels business, the last 12 in global roles. Simon started his career in Royal Mail Group, leading teams within e-commerce, operations, commercial strategy and programme management before becoming the International Director for parcels.  In 2011, Simon started with DPDgroup in Paris as Managing Director - Global Solutions, building new e-commerce solutions in the Asian and USA markets and working on M&A strategy.  He then became the CEO of wnDirect in 2017, leading the company back to profit and then merging it with Asendia UK in 2019. 

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Pressmeddelande 22 juli 2024, Paris | Asendia