Join Asendia's expert Thomas Berger for an overview of European e-commerce

18 May, 2021

E-Commerce Destinations

Asendia's expert Thomas Berger joins the RetailX panel for this insightful webinar.

In Spring RetailX hosted the ECOMMERCE WORLD REVIEW. Asendia is a proud partner of RetailX and is delighted to have joined 4 webinars as experts. You can now listen to the full recording of each webinar for free. And, you can download any of the in-depth e-commerce destination reports. They each offer a unique insight into all the rapidly growing e-commerce markets. These are available alongside each webinar recording.

Webinar: Europe e-commerce Report 2020 in Discussion

Researchers, editors and industry experts discussed the current state of world e-commerce. Dive into this interesting discussion on how e-tailers can stay ahead globally in 2021 and beyond.

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About Thomas Berger
Chief E-Commerce & Marketing Officer Asendia Germany

Thomas Berger has worked in digital marketing and e-commerce for almost 20 years. After studying business administration in Germany and UK he started off his career in the startup space as a founder of a successful mobile commerce agency. Since then he has held a number of management positions at companies like TUI, Miltenyi Biotec and Toyota. In 2019 he joined the management team of Asendia Central Europe taking over the responsibility for Marketing, IT and Business Development. As a passionate sailor, together with his family, he spends most of his free time exploring the European oceans.


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Pressmeddelande 22 juli 2024, Paris | Asendia