Latin America B2C E-commerce Report 2019

18 October, 2019

E-Commerce Destinations

B2C e-commerce turnover is forecast to reach approximately $84 billion in 2019.

‘Since the level of infrastructure development in the region is not homogenous, the e-merchant must analyse and apply different strategies to each target country in this area.’
María Gómez-Juárez, Head of Marketing and Sales, Asendia Spain

This exclusive report delves into the details of the B2C e-commerce market in Latin America, including connectivity, digital readiness, and device usage. The report also includes in-depth interviews with experts from SAP, Asendia, and PagBrasil.


Infrastructure & Logistics

Chile ranks as one of the best in e-commerce indices, second in the Ease of Doing Business index, and first in both the Logistics Performance Index and the E-Government Development Index (within the Latin America region). Mexico is also doing well in the indices, coming first in Ease of Doing Business and third in the Logistics Performance Index.


E-commerce Landscape

The internet penetration of Latin American countries varies between 39% in Honduras and 88% in Uruguay. Meanwhile, e-shopper penetration is between 7.60% in Guatemala and 78% in Argentina.

Overall, the most used device for online shopping is desktop computer, while countries such as Cuba, Guyana, Paraguay, and Suriname show a preference for mobile.


If you want to learn more about internet penetration and B2C turnover, download the Latin America E-commerce Report now. You’ll find additional information on market penetration and a general overview of the Latin American Market.

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