Watch this webinar for all insights on the Beauty & Cosmetics landscape

11 August, 2021

E-Commerce Destinations

Maria from Asendia Spain gives us her expert insights on the Beauty & Cosmetics sector on this RetailX webinar.


ECOMMERCE WORLD REVIEW is back and bringing you, even more, industry research! Asendia is a proud partner of RetailX and is delighted to have joined three webinars to discuss the current position of world e-commerce. You can now listen to the full recording of each webinar for free.


Webinar: Beauty & Cosmetics Sector in Discussion

Yellow Line


Maria Gomez Juares-min(1)

The beauty sector has been changed by the pandemic and geo-social shifts. Vibrant and innovative change is deeply important to beauty consumers.

Maria Gomez-Juarez, Head of Business Development and Strategy from Asendia Spain gives us her expert insights on the Beauty & Cosmetics e-commerce landscape:

  • The dominance of Marketplaces in the beauty sector
  • Social commerce - influencers influence YOUR sales
  • What delivery trends are unique to beauty consumers?
  • Are the Gen Z cosmetics consumers willing to pay more for green delivery?



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Pressmeddelande 22 juli 2024, Paris | Asendia